Candidacy for Union President - Los Santos Police Protective League

Moderators: Office of Planning and Special Projects, Faction Leadership, San Andreas State Treasurer, Office of Labor-Management Standards, Department of Labor

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Charles Castellanos
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2023 2:38 pm


  • 1. Personal Information
    • 1.1 First Name: Charles
      1.2 Middle Name: N/A
      1.3 Last Name: Castellanos
      1.4 Date of Birth: 02/09/1984
      1.5 Contact Number: 07333782
      1.6 Gender:
      • [x] Male
        [-] Female
        [-] Other
      1.7 Address: 105 Spanish Avenue
      1.8 City: Los Santos
      1.9 State: San Andreas

  • 2. Company Information
    • 2.1 What is the name of the unionized company?
      Answer: Los Santos Police Department

      2.2 Owner Name: Dwayne Burke, Chief of Police
      2.3 Company Stakeholders/Executives: Dwayne Burke, Timothy Gallagher, Michelle Li, Michael Espinoza
      2.4 LSGOV Issues Business Number: Los Santos Police Department
      2.5 Provide proof of ownership: N/A - Los Santos Police Department
      2.6 Company Headquarters (provide address): Vespucci Headquarters, 1308 San Andreas Avenue, Los Santos, SA. 90030

      2.7 Union Name: Los Santos Police Protective League
      2.8 Statement to run for Union President:

      4 Reasons to vote CASTELLANOS for your LSPPL President:
        • I want regular meetings with the Chief's office, or another Command member, ensuring LSPPL has a regular seat at the table on your behalf.
        • A network of Representatives with localised expert knowledge in every Bureau across the department, enabling expert support in your area of business.
        • On-call Union Representatives for rapid support with complaints, providing tailored advice and accompanying officers in administrative interviews.
        • I'll use union membership fees to establish either in-house counsel, or an ongoing contract with a law firm, to make sure that LSPPL members involved in shootings, serious complaints or other significant issues can get professional legal advice within 24 hours of an incident.
      • MORE VALUE
        • Urgent review of the $10,000 subscription fee with open consultation to determine a fair cost, including considering whether subscription should be linked to rank/salary.
        • Full transparency on matters of Union finance, with regularly published accounts enabling scrutiny of Union spending.
        • Regular social events for police officers to relax, unwind and socialise, helping to build stronger bonds with colleagues and promoting a more cohesive workplace with camaraderie and team spirit.
        • A comprehensive, valuable and considered welfare offer through the establishment of the Police Welfare Committee, aimed at ensuring officers have the opportunity to rest and recuperate off-duty.

      A voice at the table
      As President, my first goal will be to secure a regular diary appointment with the Office of the Chief of Police or other relevant senior officers. This regular slot will let me build a positive dialogue between senior management and the LSPPL, permitting a free flow of information to build and maintain a strong bond of critical friendship. This meeting will provide a focus to the rest of the LSPPL's business, ensuring that members have a clear path to escalate matters and concerns.

      The Union has suffered in former times from a lack of momentum, and by ensuring that we are at the table on a regular basis, we will be able to stay abreast of new initiatives, ensuring the needs and views of the rank-and-file are consistently represented and taken into consideration. This regular slot will give an opportunity for regular feedback on things that matter to you. From the uniform policy to training availability or staffing levels and pay, with a regular seat at the discussion table, your Union will be best placed to serve you.

      Access to Union Representatives with local expertise
      The LSPPL will establish a network of representatives spanning each and every Bureau in the department, enabling a deeper understanding, expertise and experience of local problems affecting individual operational teams and business groups. These representatives will engage regularly with local command teams to resolve conflict, provide insight and feedback to policy and procedure and ensure the needs of frontline officers are met.


      Providing the support you need, when you need it most
      I want to create a support offer that's realistic, achievable and affordable. LSPPL funds won't permit us to have 24/7 legal coverage (and if we did find lawyers to work the graveyard shift, they might not be the best lawyers). So I'll work to get either an in-house legal advisor, or contractual relationship with a law firm that guarantees, high-quality advice within 24 hours of a serious incident or issue.

      I also want to build a network of on-call Union Representatives who will be able to triage and provide practical advice during the early stages of administrative investigations and officer-involved shootings. My ambition is there would be at least one per shift, and ideally one local to your area (e.g. Traffic, SWAT, Gangs) too, giving them an insight into your position. These Representatives will receive detailed and comprehensive training in order to be able to provide the most up-to-date advice to members in this unenviable position, ensuring their actions are compliant with force policy whilst also protecting their own interests.


      Delivering value for money
      In return for the member services it offers, the Police Protective League asks its members to part with their hard-earned wages. Union finance is a precious resource and I will ensure that the budget is meticulously and transparently managed, publishing clear detail on where Union funds are spent. I will focus resources on delivering high quality services for members in the places where it is needed most, not on needless PR exercises. The Chief receives a substantial sum of money each year to manage Community Relations and maintain public image. The role of the LSPPL is to ensure that the needs, rights and views of rank-and-file police officers are represented, and their rights respected. That is where every valuable dollar of membership dues will be spent.

      I'll review the $10,000 a month subscription fee, launching a full consultation to determine if this is the appropriate sum to charge, and whether a one-size-fits-all approach to pricing is equitable. We will also explore the possibility of subscription fees being tax deductible, ensuring officers receive more of their hard-earned money into their pocket at the end of the month.

      Transparency on Union finances
      Your union is paid for with your money. It's only right that you're able to see where that money goes. I will commit to publishing full monthly accounts with a clear indication of where your membership subscriptions are being spent. I will demonstrate in clear terms how you are getting value for money, and where your contribution to the Union is making a difference for you and your colleagues.


      A varied and vibrant social calendar of events
      I'll establish an LSPPL Social Committee to make sure the LSPPL delivers a varied and vibrant social calendar of events where officers can let their hair down, decompress and rejuvenate in an environment safe from the public. Balls, bingos, beach trips? If our members want to do it, we'll do it. This will help to build stronger bonds with colleagues and promote a more cohesive workplace with camaraderie and team spirit at the centre of everything.

      A commitment to welfare, inside and outside work
      Police officers do an impossibly difficult job. The public ask us to work long hours on a variable and unpredictable shift pattern, often missing out on family occasions and public holidays. We encounter catastrophic physical and emotional trauma on a regular basis with little time to decompress between incidents. We are, rightly, under intense public scrutiny and held to a high standard in both our professional, but also our private affairs. This culmination of unpredictability, demand, trauma and scrutiny inevitably takes a toll on officers.

      As well as the work to build a real social support network within the LSPPL, I will establish a Police Welfare Committee charged with exploring any and all options, according to the views of the membership, to providing a meaningful and valuable way for officers to relax, unwind and recharge.
    2.9 Financial Records ( In accordance with the Labor Act of 2021 ): N/A
    2.10 Union Headquarters (provide address): TBC

    (( If you require more fields for employment information you can copy the listed above and post another line of employer status ))
  • 3. Goverment Issued Licenses and Background Check
    • 3.1 Do you have a valid driver's license in San Andreas?
      [x] Yes
      [-] No

      3.2 Do you consent to a background check?
      [x] Yes
      [-] No

  • (( 4. Out of Character ))
    • 4.1 Forum name: Access
      • 4.2 Discord: Miharu#8215
    I, Charles Castellanos, have agreed to the terms that have been placed upon myself by the State of San Andreas, specifically through the Labor Relations Act of 2021, and acknowledge that I will follow the laws that have been placed upon myself, to the best of my ability, and I will make sure I am up to date with the current State Laws on Labor Policies & Regulations. I will conduct all my operations in good faith in accordance with the State of San Andreas Law.

    Signed: C. CASTELLANOS
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