State of San Andreas
Official Press Release
From the desk of Esme, Sheikh:

Senator Tanya Sun pictured in the background raising her hand and taking the oath of office along side Secretary of State Noah Wade in the foreground
For Immediate Release to the General Public:
Tanya Sun sworn in for District 34:
On Thursday, October 26th, Tanya Sun met with Secretary of State Noah Wade at San Andreas State Capitol where she was sworn in as the Senator for District 34.
Tanya Sun took the oath of office, solemnly swearing to support and defend the Constitution of the United States as well as the Constitution of San Andreas against all enemies, foreign and domestic; bearing true faith and allegiance to the same; that she took the obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that she would well and faithfully discharge the duties of office on which she was about to enter: So help her God.
Senator Tanya Sun will be the acting Senator for district 34 for the Democratic Caucus, shortly after taking the oath of office Sun agreed to do a brief interview. Sun touched on her background and what Sun's plans are now that she's a Senator for the Democratic Caucus. Below is a transcript of what was discussed:
Esme Sheikh: Hey Senator Sun, thank you for giving me some of your time. It's great to see your interest in the Senate, how about we start with who you are. Tell me a little about yourself, your background and how you're feeling now that you're the Senator representing district thirty-four?
Tanya Sun: Well, thank you for taking the time.. and for your questions. Well, uh my American name is Tanya Sun. I was born in Jeonnam in South Korea. Like so many in this State my story started in another country.
Tanya Sun: Unlike many though, I had a privileged start in life - my family were well off in the business world. So I had access to what most people would dream of really, a world class education, healthcare and.. well almost limitless upward mobility.
Tanya Sun: So, when I came to Los Santos to study my Juris Doctorate, I really had no real sense of the "real" world that every day Americans, people around the world deal with everyday.
Tanya Sun: Little Seoul, Armenia, Vespucci.. these areas opened my eyes. So it's.. my privilege to have represented them in City Hall, and to do so again as Senator for District Thirty Four. We all have a part to play, and those of us with privilege have a moral obligation to do everything they can to help those without it.
Esme Sheikh: Much like you, I also had quite a privileged start in life - you said you represented people in Little Seoul, Armenia and Vespucci, could you expand a little more on that?
Tanya Sun says: So, some time ago I ran for office in Los Santos City Hall in the Western District, which encompassed those areas. I owe everything to those communities, really. Without them I really would have stayed ignorant to how things really are.
Tanya Sun: I think I was the youngest candidate? Was certainly the only woman. Yet the electorate saw fit to uh vote me into office with, what I believe are.. still record margins. I ran against a Republican, Joshua Shepherd. One of the best campaigns.
Tanya Sun: I learned so much from that campaign, and my time in office. I can't even begin to express how happy I am to be working for my constituents again.
Esme Sheikh: That's quite the history, Senator. It must've been quite the learning experience for you. Now that you're a State Senator, what are your future goals? Do you plan on focusing more on bills that suit the needs of the people in the areas you mentioned or do you plan to broaden your scope to a more wide area?
Tanya Sun : Both. It may seem ambitious, maybe even unrealistic, but I owe it to my District to ensure local focuses aren't neglected at the State level, and I owe it to the State to ensure everyone has equal access to opportunity.
Esme Sheikh: Ambition is much needed, I feel like you'll do perfectly given your record. Senator, it's been a pleasure and I thank you for the time you've given me.
Tanya Sun took the oath of office, solemnly swearing to support and defend the Constitution of the United States as well as the Constitution of San Andreas against all enemies, foreign and domestic; bearing true faith and allegiance to the same; that she took the obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that she would well and faithfully discharge the duties of office on which she was about to enter: So help her God.
Senator Tanya Sun will be the acting Senator for district 34 for the Democratic Caucus, shortly after taking the oath of office Sun agreed to do a brief interview. Sun touched on her background and what Sun's plans are now that she's a Senator for the Democratic Caucus. Below is a transcript of what was discussed:
Esme Sheikh: Hey Senator Sun, thank you for giving me some of your time. It's great to see your interest in the Senate, how about we start with who you are. Tell me a little about yourself, your background and how you're feeling now that you're the Senator representing district thirty-four?
Tanya Sun: Well, thank you for taking the time.. and for your questions. Well, uh my American name is Tanya Sun. I was born in Jeonnam in South Korea. Like so many in this State my story started in another country.
Tanya Sun: Unlike many though, I had a privileged start in life - my family were well off in the business world. So I had access to what most people would dream of really, a world class education, healthcare and.. well almost limitless upward mobility.
Tanya Sun: So, when I came to Los Santos to study my Juris Doctorate, I really had no real sense of the "real" world that every day Americans, people around the world deal with everyday.
Tanya Sun: Little Seoul, Armenia, Vespucci.. these areas opened my eyes. So it's.. my privilege to have represented them in City Hall, and to do so again as Senator for District Thirty Four. We all have a part to play, and those of us with privilege have a moral obligation to do everything they can to help those without it.
Esme Sheikh: Much like you, I also had quite a privileged start in life - you said you represented people in Little Seoul, Armenia and Vespucci, could you expand a little more on that?
Tanya Sun says: So, some time ago I ran for office in Los Santos City Hall in the Western District, which encompassed those areas. I owe everything to those communities, really. Without them I really would have stayed ignorant to how things really are.
Tanya Sun: I think I was the youngest candidate? Was certainly the only woman. Yet the electorate saw fit to uh vote me into office with, what I believe are.. still record margins. I ran against a Republican, Joshua Shepherd. One of the best campaigns.
Tanya Sun: I learned so much from that campaign, and my time in office. I can't even begin to express how happy I am to be working for my constituents again.
Esme Sheikh: That's quite the history, Senator. It must've been quite the learning experience for you. Now that you're a State Senator, what are your future goals? Do you plan on focusing more on bills that suit the needs of the people in the areas you mentioned or do you plan to broaden your scope to a more wide area?
Tanya Sun : Both. It may seem ambitious, maybe even unrealistic, but I owe it to my District to ensure local focuses aren't neglected at the State level, and I owe it to the State to ensure everyone has equal access to opportunity.
Esme Sheikh: Ambition is much needed, I feel like you'll do perfectly given your record. Senator, it's been a pleasure and I thank you for the time you've given me.

Senator Tanya Sun pictured in the background raising her hand and taking the oath of office along side Secretary of State Noah Wade in the foreground
All current and future media inquiries may be directed to the office of Strategic Communications and Outreach at [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected] All information contained within this press release is recorded and archived with the State of San Andreas, and can be retrieved via official request.