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Moderator: Narcotics Anonymous Commission

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Donna Love
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Dec 03, 2021 1:27 pm


Who are we?

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a worldwide, non-profit organization devoted to providing a helpful and empowering environment for those who are addicted to drugs. NA was founded in 1953 on the premise of fellowship, providing a safe forum for individuals to share their experiences, strength, and hope in their road to recovery.

NA adheres to a 12-step program based on the successful model pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). These "steps" involve recognizing there is a problem, getting assistance, self-evaluation, confidential self-disclosure, making apologies when harm has been done, and working with other recovering drug addicts. The "12 Steps" are a series of concepts that explain a realistic rehabilitation program. Addicts learn to quit taking drugs and confront the obstacles of daily life by adhering to these ideals and cooperating with other members.

Our NA Program

Addiction is described as a sickness in the Narcotics Anonymous program. NA makes no attempt to qualify the term "disease" in any medical or specialist therapeutic meaning, nor does it strive to persuade others of the validity of its position. The sole claim NA makes is that accepting addiction as an illness has helped its members come to grips with their situation. Although the sole condition for membership is "a desire to stop using" narcotics, Narcotics Anonymous urges its members to abstain completely from all mood-altering substances, including alcohol. Our experience has shown that total and ongoing abstinence is the finest foundation for recovery and personal growth.

The "spiritual awakening" is central to the NA program, and we emphasize its practical worth rather than its intellectual or metaphysical significance. NA is non-religious and invites each member, religious or not, to build an individual sense of this "spiritual awakening." There is one more thing to say regarding the Narcotics Anonymous program. Its members acknowledge that NA is only one of several organizations tackling the problem of drug addiction. Members of NA believe they have had great success in dealing with their personal addiction issues, but NA does not claim to offer a program that will work for all addicts in all circumstances, nor does it believe that its therapeutic beliefs should be universally accepted.
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